- Material for sewing
- Any sewing accessories
- Hot glue guns
- Hot glue sticks
- Elmer's Glue
- Baby food jars
- Milk jugs, all sizes, rinsed thoroughly
- Pringles cans/containers, rinsed/wiped out
- Empty Kleenex boxes
- Play-Doh
- 2-liter bottles, rinsed well
- Tape, all kinds
- Beads
- Paper plates
- Macaroni
- Beans
- Old CDs
- Buttons
- Cotton balls
- Craft sticks
- Batteries, AAA/AA
- Cereal boxes
- Shoe boxes
Donations can be dropped off at Central Office, 206 S. Roney, in care of the S.T.E.A.M. Room.